

Table Setting


Yellow Jambhala, known as Dzambhala in Tibetan, is a protector deity in Vajrayana Buddhism, and the foremost among the wealth deities. Yellow Jambhala is one of the five Jambhalas worshipped across all major sects of Tibetan Buddhism. His body is yellow, which is why he is known as Yellow Jambhala. To ensure that Vajrayana practitioners have sufficient resources to propagate the teachings and benefit living beings without being hindered by mundane needs, he grants abundant wealth to practitioners. Yellow Jambhala is depicted with one face and two arms, wearing a crown of the five Buddhas, with a short, stout body, muscular arms, holding a treasure-producing mongoose in his left hand and a wish-fulfilling jewel in his right. He wears celestial garments, adorned with blue lotuses and jewel ornaments, with a rosary hanging across his chest. His left leg is bent, and his right foot steps on a conch shell, seated comfortably on a lotus and moon disc. Practicing the rituals of Yellow Jambhala and chanting his secret mantra can invoke his blessings, enhancing fortune, longevity, wisdom, material and spiritual well-being, and alleviating economic pressures. Practitioners are encouraged to cultivate supreme bodhicitta, form beneficial connections, and diligently practice generosity.

Sincerely chanting the Mantra of Yellow Jambhala can obtain his protection, leading to abundant wealth, and freedom from poverty and all financial distress. If one can cultivate the supreme bodhicitta, aspiring to save all beings from poverty, then the blessings and virtues are immeasurable.